What happen to our little baby - he's growing up SO fast!!! Jalen just amazes us every day with all that he is learning and taking in! We now understand why people refer to young children as little "sponges." He's also becoming VERY independent and wanting to try everything. Jalen can point out a number of things if you ask him, such as dog, duck, boat, fish, eyes, nose, ears, etc. and understands simple instructions. What a fun age!! Here are several pictures over the last few weeks of Jalen being more independent and wanting to help around the house.
Jalen loves helping mommy water the plants (by himself of course). Even when the water is not on, he'll put the spout in the flowers for a moment, move on to the next plant, hold it for awhile like he's watering, then move on to the next one.
Stopping to pick the petals off.
Daddy had to cut down a tree in the backyard. Once again, Jalen was so pleased to be of assistance.
Jalen LOVES feeding Rio each morning and evening!!! He's since perfected the skill of pouring the food and no longer gets it everywhere.
He is getting so big. I love that he has his own wheelbarrow. Will he actually eat sushi?