Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mt. Hood

Scott and I are getting anxious to get Jalen up on skies, but we decided we better introduce him to the mountain some more and get him excited about playing in the snow. We took him to the kids Frosty Playland to play in the indoor jump house and little sledding. It was a success!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I was blessed with three sweet Valentine's this year. Our day started off by helping Jalen hand out his Valentine's to his friends at school. He worked really hard at coloring each one, then did a great job matching the letters on his Valentine's to the names on each friend's bag. I then joined him later that afternoon for their classroom party - so cute!!!! The kids were so sweet...engaging in little conversations with each other and stuffing their faces with cupcakes (since I've been on maternity leave, I frequently get to join the kiddos during snack time or lunch time and just LOVE listening to their "small talk" at the table!). Scott and I were then able to have a night out (well with Aliyah). We met for dinner at Rock Bottom and then took the train to the Blazers Game, where we joined some friends in their suite...certainly not romantic, but fun!!! I am one lucky gal to have such an amazing husband to spend my Valentine's day with!!!!

As you can see below...trying to get photos of a 2.5 year old and an infant together was quite the feat. As you can see - Aliyah sure loves her big brother Jalen:

Saturday, February 4, 2012


We joined Scott's Uncle, cousin Steph and her boyfriend Cory for dinner at Patty's and then enjoyed the Blazer's game...which was quite the adventure with both kiddos. It was a fun night!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Play Time

Being on maternity leave has given me the opportunity to spend some quality time with Jalen. We spend our days playing at home, going to the park, attending story times at the multiple libraries around us, going to the Children's Museum, Play Boutique, Pump It Up, and random play dates with his buddies. I cherish this extra time I have with both of my little munchkins!