Friday, September 16, 2011

Football in the Street

Football buddy

We often watch thelocal Tigard High sporting events, since it's just down the road and Jalen loves to watch. He found a buddy this time and had such a blast. Boys will be boys.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Congratulations to Cami and Joe Christen and to Michelle and Heiden Bliss!!! Both couples got married in McCall over Labor Day weekend. We were so excited to be able to celebrate with them! Michelle and Heiden's wedding was at a friend's beautiful ranch - perfect weather and SO much fun! Cami and Joe got married at Shore Lodge the following day - what a beautiful setting and lovely evening! Wishing both couples the very best in their future together.

Michelle and Heiden's wedding:

Jalen didn't nap all day, but decided to crash just as we pulled up to the ceremony...leaving he and daddy in the back during the ceremony. He woke up just in time for the reception and was ready to rally! Go figure :-)

Michelle's sister/maid-of-honor, Steph (Scott's cousins) with Mommy and Jalen.

The fam just before dinner.

Ellie was a flower girl at the wedding - so beautiful!

Jalen was fascinated by the horse.
Another family photo

The whole Pierce clan.

Cami and Joe's Wedding:

Kate and Tom Henwood

Kaycee and Travis Emery

Kappa girls!